
Storage & Backup

Tackle data growth with smart storage.

Data is expected to grow 2000% over the next ten years (IDC). Idepeai recognizes that organizations cannot keep spending money on storage to keep pace with the rate of data growth. We help clients optimize their storage environment to balance cost and other constraints with capacity, performance, and availability. In today’s data-driven world, where information is the lifeblood of businesses and organizations, Idepeai proudly stands as one of the premier suppliers of Storage & Backup products.

We are committed to delivering cutting-edge storage and data protection solutions that empower enterprises to safeguard, manage, and leverage their data assets effectively.

Our Range of Storage & Backup Products:

Storage Devices:

  • Hard Disk Drives (HDDs): Traditional spinning disk drives for long-term data storage, available in various capacities.
  • Solid-State Drives (SSDs): Flash-based storage devices offering faster data access and improved durability compared to HDDs.
  • Network-Attached Storage (NAS): Devices that provide centralized storage and file sharing capabilities over a network, often used in homes and small businesses.
  • Storage Area Network (SAN): High-performance, dedicated storage networks used in data centers and enterprises to provide shared storage resources.

Backup Solutions:

  • Backup Software: Software applications for automating data backups, scheduling backups, and managing data recovery.
  • Cloud Backup Services: Backup solutions that store data in the cloud for off-site data protection and disaster recovery.
  • Backup Appliances: Hardware devices designed for data backup and recovery, often with built-in redundancy and deduplication features.
  • Tape Backup Systems: Backup solutions that use magnetic tape cartridges for long-term data retention and archiving.

Data Management Software:

  • Data Classification Software: Tools that classify and categorize data based on criteria like sensitivity, importance, or compliance requirements.
  • Data Archiving Solutions: Systems for moving less frequently accessed data to lower-cost storage tiers while keeping it accessible for future retrieval.
  • Data Governance Platforms: Software that helps organizations establish data governance policies, compliance, and data lifecycle management.

Disaster Recovery Solutions:

  • Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS): Cloud-based disaster recovery services that provide failover and recovery capabilities in case of system failures or disasters.
  • Backup and Replication Tools: Software for replicating data to secondary sites or data centers for redundancy and disaster recovery.
  • High Availability Solutions: Technologies and configurations that ensure continuous system operation and minimize downtime.

Cloud Storage:

  • Cloud Storage Services: Scalable and secure cloud storage solutions offered by major cloud providers, allowing businesses to store data in the cloud.
  • Object Storage: Storage solutions designed for handling unstructured data and large data sets, often used for cloud-native applications.
  • File Sync and Share Services: Cloud-based services that enable users to synchronize and share files across devices and collaborate on documents.
  • Cold Storage: Low-cost cloud storage options designed for archiving and long-term data retention.

Why Choose Idepeai?

Innovation Leaders

At Idepeai, we’re not just suppliers; we’re innovators in the storage and backup industry. Our unwavering commitment to staying at the forefront of technology drives us to explore, develop, and deliver the latest advancements.

Comprehensive Storage & Backup Portfolio

Our extensive range of storage and backup products encompasses storage devices, backup solutions, data management software, and disaster recovery tools, offering a complete suite to meet diverse business needs.

Customized Solutions

We understand that data storage and backup requirements vary widely. Idepeai excels in crafting tailor-made solutions that precisely align with your specific data management needs, ensuring data availability and resilience.

Expert Support

Idepeai doesn’t just provide products; we offer expertise and support. Our team of data storage and backup specialists is dedicated to helping you navigate the complexities of data management, from selecting the right solutions to providing ongoing assistance.

Quality Assurance

Quality is non-negotiable. We uphold the highest standards, ensuring that our storage and backup products not only meet but exceed your expectations. Every data storage device and backup solution undergoes rigorous testing for reliability, scalability, and security.

Let's get started.

From the beginning to the end of your Digital Journey.

Thank you for your interest in Idepeai products and services. We are committed to helping you find the right solutions to meet your technological needs. Whether you are looking for cutting-edge hardware, software, or infrastructure components, our dedicated team is here to assist you.


At Idepeai, we value your inquiry and are excited to assist you in finding the right products to meet your technological objectives. Whether you are a company, industry, institution, business, researcher, or individual, our goal is to provide you with exceptional service and reliable solutions. Contact us today to begin your product enquiry, and let us help you achieve your technology goals.

Contact an Idepeai Expert Today @ +91-9488465099